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Receding Hairlines in Women: Causes and Treatments

10 Jul, 2023

Noticed your hair has started to thin around your temples and hairline? Widow’s peak more prominent than before?

You may be experiencing hair loss that is causing your hairline to recede. One in two women will lose the thickness of their hair as they get older so whilst it is completely normal, hair loss can often be a sensitive subject.

Below we discuss hair loss and receding hairlines in women, its causes, prevention and what treatments there are available to you. 

What is a ‘Receding Hairline’?

A receding hairline occurs due to hair loss when the hair around your temples begins to thin out or stop growing altogether. Although more common in men, women can also be affected by hair loss, causing the appearance of a receding hairline. The pattern of hair loss in men and women is very different and it’s not common for females to experience the typical receding hairline that is often seen with male pattern baldness. 

Hair Loss Statistics

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, around 80% of men from European descent experience some form of hair loss by the time they’re 80 years old. However only 40% of women have visible hair loss by age 40. 

Causes of a Receding Hairline in Women

There are many factors that can lead to female hair loss. These include things such as genetics, stress, pregnancy and certain health conditions. 

1️⃣ Genetics: Although less common than in men, women can also inherit pattern baldness and this gene can be inherited from either parent. Hair Loss due to genetics tends to be more common as a woman reaches middle age but can also occur earlier on. Around this time in a woman’s life, they may also be experiencing menopause, this causes hormonal changes in the body which can be a contributing factor to the loss of hair.

2️⃣ Stress; A stressful situation or period of time can sometimes lead to hair loss. Significant stress can push large numbers of hair follicles into the resting phase of the hair growth cycle, meaning that no new hair is produced. This, coupled with hair falling out, can result in bald patches or thinning of the hair. This type of hair loss is usually temporary and will often improve over time.

3️⃣ Pregnancy; Hair loss in pregnancy affects many women and is completely normal. As mentioned before, hormonal changes can have a huge impact on hair growth and loss. As the body changes during and after giving birth, hormone levels are constantly fluctuating but hair loss is most commonly seen after pregnancy. This type of hair loss is also usually temporary and will return to normal within a period of a few months.

4️⃣ Health conditions; The main cause of a receding hairline in women is Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia. This is a condition thought to be due to hormonal and immune system changes. This condition presents itself as slow and progressive hair loss and scarring of the scalp around the forehead area. Although there is no cure for this condition, there are medications that can slow the hair loss process and be effective in some cases. 

Traction Alopecia is another condition linked to hair loss, but unlike Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia, it is not caused by hormonal changes. Instead, it is due to pulling and strain on the hair. Hairstyles such as ponytails can cause a lot of stress to the scalp that can lead to hair loss in certain cases. Scraped back hairstyles can also highlight thinning or loss of hair around the forehead and hairline area so these are best avoided.

Receding Hairline Treatment

With certain kinds of hair loss, there are preventive measures that can be implemented to stop or slow down the process. These include things such as avoiding tight hairstyles, limiting the amount of heat used on the hair, brushing the hair with a wide toothed comb to minimise strain and also avoiding harsh chemical treatments. 

Other kinds of hair loss such as hereditary hair loss are not preventable, however there are options to treat and disguise a receding hairline or thinning hair. One option is to change up your hairstyle. A great way to hide a receding hairline or widow’s peak is to have a fringe or bangs cut into your hair. Your forehead will be covered by the hair from the fringe, therefore the hairline will not be visible. Another option is to add curls to your hair, this can increase the appearance, volume and texture and is a good way to hide any sparseness. 

Here at Optima, we use a combination of topical treatments and Laser Therapy to combat hair loss in women. This treatment is more suited to women in the early stages of hair loss. For more advanced cases we have a number of custom hair replacement systems available. 

To fully determine the cause of your hair loss and discuss treatments available to you it’s best to seek professional advice. We offer a free and completely confidential consultation service – book today to find out how we can work together to create a hair loss solution that is tailored to you!

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