Yesterday we had the pleasure of giving young Alyvia Miller her hair back.
She has been sadly suffering with a tumour on the optic pathway which has left her blind in the right eye and partially blind in the left. As a result of this, the treatment caused little Alyvia to lose most of her hair.
Alyvia and her mum Megan met with Pete back in February and after hearing Alyvia’s story, Pete chose to provide her with one of our wonderful systems free of charge. Despite all the negativity and pain she has endured at the young age of 9, Alyvia is full of energy and life and each time she has come in, she has put a smile on all of our faces with her jokes, dancing and dabbing! Our stylist Jade who has worked with children for a number of years, made the experience as positive and comfortable as possible for Alyvia and as you can see in the photos below, her smiley face captured everyone’s hearts and just goes to show how happy she was with her new hair once it was fitted.
We really look forward to seeing Alyvia and her family much more in the future and it has been an absolute pleasure to get to know her and of course, to have provided her with her beautiful new hair!