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Celebrating 22 Years of Transforming Lives

Honouring Nicki Abel

August 14, 2024

Yesterday would have been Nicki Abel’s birthday, a day that brought tears and cherished memories to everyone who knew and loved her. In a beautiful tribute to her mother’s memory, Nicki’s lovely daughter Sophie chose to mark the occasion extraordinarily, by cutting off her hair to donate it to the Little Princess Trust.

This selfless act of kindness was filled with emotion, as we all gathered to support Sophie in her decision. The day was a poignant reminder of how much we miss Nicki and the love and legacy she left behind.

We were deeply grateful that Sophie chose such a meaningful day to visit us and share this touching moment. Sophie, we love you, and we know Nicki would be incredibly proud of you.

Thank you for allowing us to be part of this special day.

With all our love,
Pete & The Optima Hair Specialists Team xx

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